Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Review Of The Great Warrior - 1414 Words

Exploration, Encounter Exchange; Review of Literature for Sparta Spartans and Athenians did not necessarily get along, therefore they fought a lot. Athens and Sparta were both greek city-states. Their power rivaled each other therefore causing some friction. Athen’s rise to power was through democracy and philosophy and the Spartan’s despised every bit of it. Only because they rose to power through war and fear. The Athenians believed that they were the descendants of Athena. The Spartan’s were believed to be descendants of the Dorians. The leadership in both places were majorly different for instance, the Spartan’s had ‘two kings† but they were actually the high ranking generals that were considered loyalty. The Athenians had the†¦show more content†¦So every summer the Spartans march north and spend a month killing all the Athenian crops, while the farmers hid in fear in the city. The Athenian navy then has to bring in even more cash crops than is normally required. The second summer of this ki nd, that of 430, is made more painful for the Athenians because plague strikes the city and kills a third of the denizens. Thucydides catches it, but survives to write his great history of the war (Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War). Pericles, architect of the Athenian war strategy and defeats , is less lucky; he falls victim in the most crucial summer of the plague, 429. Yet Athens survives even this series of disasters, and by 425 Sparta seems the one cut out to lose- suffering a series of defeats close to where they stay in the Peloponnese, at the mercy of soldiers landing from Athenian war boats. It appears as though no one side can ever win this conflict.The war was won by Sparta in the end because of the militant power they had over the Athenians. As shown in the source The Peloponnesian War: A Military Study. In the book it states that the Spartans would create a battle formation known as the Phalanx which was â€Å"Impenetrable as a brick wall† ( Lazenby 41). Ther efore because of this organization and discipline they were able to win in the long run against the theoretically unprepared Athenians.

Help with Writing a Research Paper

Research paper is formal writing which includes research and students personal ideas. The process of writing a research paper is not easy, as it demands plenty of work and deep concentration. Following some particular steps in writing a research paper will help to get good results. The first step in writing a research paper is choosing precise topic. The topic of the paper should be interesting. Make sure that you will be able to write on the particular topic, because some of them may be too difficult for you. Try not to select too wide topic; make it specific. After choosing the topic, start to search for information. Nowadays, there is the number of sources of information on any topic available throughout the Web, media, printed sources etc. The most widely used are books, Internet, magazines, encyclopedias, newspapers etc. You can search through several of these sources. After you find some information on your topic, mark the most useful sources, which you will use in your paper. Do not forget to write down the information about your sources, so that you will be able to cite them in your paper. Third step in writing a research paper is identifying a thesis statement. Do not make it too long. Thesis statement should reflect your point of view and the idea of the whole paper. Next step is making an outline of your paper. Write down few ideas that you want to specify. Do not forget about the structure which presumes introduction, body and conclusion. Write few sub-points to the main points of your outline, make it more detailed. This will help you to write detailed and structured paper. After the outline is done, start to compare gathered information to your outline. Find the most suitable sources and information. Organize these sources according to the outline. This will help you to simplify your writing process. During this stage of writing, you will learn much about your topic. Try to organize your notes in the way that is clear for your. Make sure that you will be able to find any information during writing process. Do not use any sources or information that you dont understand. You next step is writing the first draft. Make sure that you follow each step of your outline. Develop each point of your outline into a paragraph. Use the notes and sources that you have prepared. Stay focused; do not write down unnecessary information. Avoid plagiarism; use references and in-text citations for quotes or any other information you take from different sources. After the draft of the paper is ready you should revise it. Read through the paper and make sure that you followed an outline. The essay should be logically structured. All of the points that you make should be clear. Make sure that all of the sources that you used are properly cited. Check the grammar and spelling mistakes. The last step in your writing process is writing a final version of the paper. If you have done the revision carefully, you should not experience problems with your final version. Following all the steps of the writing process that are mentioned above will simplify your work and guarantee you succinct and well-structured research paper.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance Of Good Leadership An Organization And...

Figure 1: Components of the Character of Good Leadership (Source: Peterson Seligman, 2004) Importance of Good Character Leaders with good character are vital for build organizations that are socially responsible. Character also plays important role in determining the ethical management of an organization and responsible decision making. A leader with good character can touch the hearts of workforce (Peterson Seligman, 2004). On the other hand, the leaders lacking good character generate chaos and promote despair among the workforce due to their unethical management and irresponsible decision making. In order to avoid outcomes like despair and chaos, it is crucial that leadership in business organizations realizes the significance of†¦show more content†¦The essential nature of this attribute cannot be underestimated. It is the building block of corporate social responsibility, good citizenship and ethical decision making. Integrity bestows inner strength and enables the leaders to play positive role and make difficult decisions to the common good (Wright Goodstein, 2007). The strategies, po licies and steps based on integrity rather than the decisions based on political measures are reported to be more beneficial and defensible as far as organizational outcomes are concerned. Wisdom and its role in good leadership Wisdom is another key attribute of character in leadership. It refers to the ability of a leader to utilize his/her experience and knowledge of the market to make decisions and judgments (Neubert et al., 2009). It is the wisdom that allows leadership to exercise its power and authority in pursuit of applying and implementing certain strategies. It brings the leadership to identify opportunities and think creatively to avail them. A leader with wisdom is open to variety of perspectives and mastering innovative business models. It enables systematic thinking in complex business situations and communicates without any ambiguity. The leaders with wisdom are capable of understanding the big picture and make decisions accordingly (Sonenshein, 2007). For instance, it was the wisdom that helped leadership in oil and gas industry to acknowledge the effects of this industry on environment leading to the

Analysis Of Pablo Picasso And The Three Dancers - 1201 Words

During heart-breaking times, the despair can sometimes be revealed in the form of dance. Artists often work this art form into their paintings, sculptures, music videos, and drawings, revealing how the power of dance can reflect upon those emotions. Likewise, in the painting Les Trois Danseuses, more commonly known as The Three Dancers, the artist, Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) portrays three distorted dancers. The painting was created between Picasso’s Cubism and Classicism periods, in the year of 1925. Picasso exemplified the heart-breaking suicide of his friend, Carlos Casagemas, who had been involved in a triangular love affair illustrated within the painting (Tate para 1). Similarly, within the painting Dancers at the Barre, by the†¦show more content†¦The background appears to be an open balcony window, possibly allowing the dancers to reflect on their experiences. A sense of fresh air, a cleansing of themselves, may also be interpreted, further portraying the dance itself. Although the three dancers appear to be polar opposites, they are brought together through the art of dance, each holding hands and changing their rhythms. The use of scale and shape, variety, repetition, and color aid in exemplifying the underlying theme of tragedy within Picasso’s painting.The image emphasizes the variety of shapes, which causes the concept of chaos to be highlighted. This chaos reveals the different aspects that each of the dancers possesses. A rather prominent variety in shapes and colors provides interest by causing little focus on one specific frame. An array of colors provides for character within each dancer. The leftmost dancer shares colors with the other two, creating a sense of being a part of each. Bold reds, dull pinks, and bright blues cause this dancer to be portrayed as the most chaotic, along with the random patterns and variety of shapes that captivate the dancer’s body. Possibly resembling how hardships and successes can affect an individual. A combination of dark colors and white with jagged, geometric lines, the dancer on the far right appears to resemble the efforts of good and evil; however, in this case, the dark seems to beShow MoreRelatedGuernica a Paint by Pablo Ruiz Picasso1471 Words   |  6 PagesPicasso: Guernica â€Å" I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them.† These are the words of the wise Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, a famous and talented artist in the 19th and 20th century. Many have crowned him the most influential artist of his time. Many of his works including Les Demoiselles dAvignon, Ma Jolie, and Girl Before a Mirror have set the tone for many artists to follow after. However, Guernica was one of his most famous of his pieces, painting a nearly perfect emotional picture of whatRead MoreALST3389 Words   |  14 Pageswas where she was most likely to see what interested her most: a collision between old and new. 2      Stein returned to Europe in her twenties, settled in Paris, and quickly became a sort of den mother to the most successful artists and writers and dancers of her age. They were, she recognized, moving right along the fault line that riveted her, the one that separated the classical European way of life, with its balls, carriages, and Victorian sensibilities, from what she spotted around her: the dances

Coca -Cola Company Analysis Marketer and Manufacturer

Question: Describe about the Coca -Cola Company Analysis for Marketer and Manufacturer. Answer: Introduction Coca-Cola dates its history to the late 1800s (Fernando 2009). Its founder, John Pemberton, is said to have mixed carbonated water with caramel- colored syrup coming up with a drink that was of different taste and flavour from the one taken by the people. A retailer, marketer and manufacturer of non-alcoholic beverages, the Coca-Cola Company is the worlds market leader. Headquartered in Atlanta and with more than 500 brands, operating in more than 200 countries world over, it operates a stable franchised distribution system in which Coca- Cola Company produces syrup concentrate selling it to various bottlers. The company boasts of hundreds of brands as well as thousands of products in over 200 countries over the world. Due to the cultural tastes of some products, they are only sold locally while other products are region- bound. Overview of Problem Solving and Decision Making Process Cross, Miller and Cross (2009) argue that the process of making decisions in the company is centralized with the use of the classical model. The top level managers take time in making the decisions keeping in mind all the possible alternatives prior to coming up with a rationally economic solution. In this process, no employees are consulted especially in the event of a programmed decision making. Upon receiving orders from the general managers, the line managers in the middle level management are charged with only ordinary routine decisions. The top management makes decisions related to: trade discounts, advertisements, distribution, price reductions, and package positioning. For instance, in the recruitment of the new employees, top management also gives approval to the vacancies while the human capital department personnel conduct interviews and tests. Overview of Coca-Cola Company Profile Coca-Cola Company, a multinational organization founded in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia as a beverage industry began its international merchandise in 1895 after selling their coke product in bottles (Tuleja 2008). This strategy was successful and the bottled coke was recognised as a highly consumed brand worldwide. The primary objective of the company is to be the global leader in the manufacturer, retailer and marketer of beverages in accelerating the sustainable growth. The objective is achieved through the company targeting different areas globally with different products aimed at gaining brand name and popularity. All the bottling partners have a close working relation with the customers through grocery stores, street vendors, convenience stores, and movie theatres. According to In Idowu (2009), the company carries out regular reviews and evaluation of its business plans and performance so as to improve business earning and ensure increased market competition. Business models are re- aligned with decisions in order to match the objectives with the strategies in achieving them. Problems or issues of the Coca-Cola Company Since its inception, Sander and Bobo (2011) postulate that Coca-Cola Company faces a lot of challenges in terms of its brand new strategies being developed by other beverage producing industries that threaten Coca-Cola existence. The main competitor for the company is the PepsiCo or Pepsi Cola Company whose portfolio of services and products are extensive as Cokes. Both the two beverage companies offer products which are almost similar in their flavour, price and ingredients. However, Coca-Cola Company caters for the needs of the thirsty drinkers through offering distinct products. Financially, Coca-Cola has often lagged behind PepsiCo with a decrease in both revenue and net income over the past years. For instance, its revenue between 2012 and 2014 decreased to $45.9 billion from $48 billion marking a 4 percent decline in the last three years. On the other hand, PepsiCo registered an increase in the revenue to about $66.6 billion from $65.4 billion, a 1.8 percent increment during 20 12-2014 period. Nevertheless, the company has seen an increasing cash flow as well as total assets despite PepsiCo leading in terms of revenue and profits. Objectives behind the selection of particular Coca-Cola company problems Coca-Cola Company as a successful global company still faces public perception problems (Sander and Bobo 2011) Some of the products do not taste good as well as gaining the popularity as its red flag brand. The public perception is that some of these products can more likely to lead to certain diseases such as diabetes especially when consumed in large quantities. Such attitude of changing health- consciousness of the market remains a serious effect on its visibility in the business dominance. Problem solving process in Coca-Cola Company Coca-Cola employs a consultative management style to problem solving and decision making (Anderson, Billings-Harris 2010). The approach motivates the employees who are encouraged to set their goals in line with the aims of the organization which regular reviews through performance appraisals. The advantage is that it increases the efficiency of the employees, motivating and training them to be productive. As a worlds premier beverage industry spanning more than 118 years, the Coca-Cola Company focuses on strategic workforce programs that helps to embrace workers cultures, ideas, similarities and differences. Diversity advisory council is one of such mechanisms consisting of employee representatives from all functions, level and business units. The council is charged with the responsibility to develop recommendations which inform the senior management on the companys efforts and objectives. Coca-Cola Company embraces employee forums where they support each other on matters of personal and professional growth so as to enhance a collective ability. Team work is encouraged as a way through which employees voice their grievances in Coca-Cola Company as well as being accountable on matters such as quality, utilization and yield. Approaches used by Coca-Cola Company According to Miller and Jentz (2008), every business is composed of its culture which is dependent on the organizational management style as well as structure. Some of these cultures available for use by any organization are role culture, task culture, power culture and person culture. Coca- Cola Company adopts a role culture in which all the employees have a defined role to carry out. The employee roles are split into different functions which take a hierarchical order. For instance, Coca- Cola divides these functions into different sections such as accounts, production and marketing with hierarchical order of offices. Such offices are manned by production managers, technicians, supervisors, operatives among others which work by rationality and logic. Therefore, in Coca-Cola, approach to problem solving and decision making uses position as the chief power source while rules and procedures form main source of influence. Values with the Coca-Cola Company serve as a compass in decision making and problem solving for its actions, forming the main description of its global business behaviour (Anderson, Billings-Harris 2010). Among the values are: leadership, collaboration, integrity, accountability, diversity, quality and passion. The aforementioned values are incorporated in the Coca-Cola Company through the focus on the market and the needs of the customers and the franchise partners, possessing a global view, listening, observing and learning the market, and being insatiably curious. Tools used by the Coca-Cola Company Employee engagement forms the main tool used by Coca-Cola Company (Anderson, Billings-Harris 2010). Such engagement consists of five points: realization that hard stuff delivery is not enough, acknowledging to the workforce their strengths and weaknesses in an open way, engaging every employee in the work, involving all the employees concerning the management style, and identifying different employee talents. Solution Taken by the Coca-Cola Company Miller and Cross (2013) state that Coca-Cola Company has been hard at its work utilizing the ample war chest in building the presence in the ever rapid growing category of beverages. In order to curb the problem of competition especially from its core competitor, PepsiCo, it has owned 16 percent of the Keurig Green Mountain. At the same time, a fresh Keurig Kold device is being developed which is projected towards debuting the fall in its revenue and profits as a result of the competition. Keurig, which is based used for pod- based drinks when hot, is intended to feature Cokes branded products as being strong in the market. In addition, the company recently finalised the purchase of the 17 percent stae of the Moster Beverage. This deal will help the company in the access to the energy drink segment. All these transactions are anticipated to take effect in bolstering the top as well as bottom lines with an immediate effect. Alongside, this is aimed at targeting the younger customer ba se. In order to capitalise on the fact that there has been an increase in the number of the customer base, Coca-Cola Company intends to capitalise on this shift. For instance, in India and China, Coke has continued to face water shortages due to the surging demand in the bottled water goods. Any alternative Solutions Coca-Cola Company has embraced a public relations approach in dealing with the competition issues world over (Amerland 2013). The most viable solution has been through open communication especially with the main constituents such as the media, public, trade channels, employees, suppliers, state and national government. The company has engaged into an open as well as honest communication in resolving some of the emerging competition problems with the view of ensuring that they are well resolved and identified. Amerland (2013) adds that through the well laid down communication channels, the consumers are able to make informed choices of the products. This is also effective in achieving an efficient promotion because communication finds its roots to the persons behavioural aspects which have a direct link with the culture. Coca-Cola Company has factored in the fact that poor public relations and the communication with the customers make them to lack the pre-requisite knowledge about the products. Impact of success and growth after using the company selected model Clarkson (2008) argues that firms that are said to have a higher competitive advantage over the rest have an access to special resources and use them in an efficient way. In turn, this results in a higher revenue, production growth and profits. Coca-Cola Company has utilized Michael Porters competitive forces model in dealing with the five competitive forces in the market. Through the Porters model, Coca-Cola Company has divided its competitors in categories such as traditional competitors, new market entrants, substitute services and products, customers, and suppliers. Through the use of the model, Coca-Cola Company has employed four generic strategies in managing the competition by the help of the information technology and systems. These strategies are: Low cost leadership- the company utilizes this strategy so as to achieve lowest prices and operational costs. For instance, an efficient customer response system has been incorporated in the supply chain management system so as to directly link with the customers behaviour. This has helped the company in the distribution and production as well as supply chains thus lowering the inventory and the costs of distribution. SWOT Analysis of the tools used by the Company As a five forces analysis, Porters model as used by Coca-Cola Company can be analysed using the SWOT analysis (Isdell and Beasley 2012). This can be used in the analysis of the company on the basis of the companys strengths and the weakness with relative to the opportunities and the threats. Through the use of the model, the company makes important strategic decisions in terms of the competitive factors. As a de facto framework especially in the analysis of an industrys competition factors, Porters five forces model has been used by Coca-Cola Company in measuring its competitiveness in the market. The analysis is as follows: threat to the entry of the new entrants- for the beverage industry, entry barriers of the potential competitors is very relatively low because no consumer switching cost occurs as well as zero capital requirements. As a result, many new brands are hitting the markets which are similar in prices and tastes with those produced by the company especially with referen ce to PepsiCo, the main competitor (Isdell and Beasley 2012). The Coca-Cola Company utilizes this strategy because it has been in the business for a very long period of time hence can be able to command a higher competitive purchasing power from the customers who are not willing to try a new brand. Through the threat of the substitute products competitive force, Coca-Cola Company does not have a brand that is unique in its flavour making it to be prone to the use of the other substitute products by the customers. For instance, through a blind taste test, it is argued that many people cannot easily delineate between the Pepsi and Coca-Cola (Fernando 2010). Through the bargaining power of the buyers force, Coca-Cola Company enjoys a lower power due to the fact that there is no pressure to the customers owing to the buyer brand royalty. On the basis of the rivalry from the existing firms, currently, PepsiCo is the main competitor with a wide range of the products that operate under its brand. The two beverage industries are predominant in the carbonated beverages through the outdoor activities and events. Coca-Cola Company also faces competition challenges from other brands such as Dr. Pepper due to their unique flavours. Coca-Cola Company faces a low pressure in terms of the bargaining power of the suppliers because it is the largest supplier of the carbonated water (Isdell and Beasley 2012). Analysis and Comparison of company Model with other two Models The other two models that can be used in the analysis of the competitive advantage of Coca-Cola Company are the four Ps Model and the market oriented strategic planning model. The Four Ps Model stands for product, price, promotion and place. According to Isdell and Beasle (2012), a product can be an intangible service or a tangible good which can be used in fulfilling a need. In this model, Coca-Cola Company can use this model due to its varied products in the market making it possible for the company to successful market them. According to the price, Coca-Cola Company enjoys good pricing decisions that help in impacting on the profit margins, marketing strategy, and supply and demand. Similarly, the company places and positions the products differently on the basis of the varied price points while at the same time the price elasticity is considered. Fernando(2010) states that promotion is also used by Coca-Cola Company in determining the various marketing agencies and regions so as to disseminate the relevant information to the customers. This is also used in the differentiation of the products through the use of such events as advertising, social media, public relations, email and video marketing and more. All the aforementioned platforms are supported by the use of a well positioned brand aimed to maximize the return on the investment. Coca-Cola Company makes use of the Place strategy because through it various regions around the globe, different products are place in different areas considering factors such as time and price. On the other hand, the market oriented strategic planning model can also be used by the Coca-Cola Company. This is especially in the development and maintenance of the viable fit that can enable the company in achieving the set objectives, skills and resources to address the changing market opportunities . Findings from the comparison results Making the customers to be the top priority makes a company to enjoy a higher competitive edge (Miller, Cross and Jentz 2013). This is because the customers are able to put into place too effort and time in the engineering of the products and development, thus making them to be less equipped in building the solutions based on their demands. The knowledge of the customers preference and tastes helps the company to develop the products accordance to the specifications and better market them persuasively. As a result, there is an increase in the sales level and the customer base. Recommendations A marketing orientation is essential in helping Coca-Cola Company to make advanced planning on the development of the products (Hill and Jones 2010). The business has to be responsive to the perpetual changes of the customer and this can only be possible through the use of strong technology infrastructures and the clearly defined communication channels. The aforementioned marketing structures will enable Coca-Cola Company to allow for the efficient times for the response from the customers. In addition, the production process has to cater for a flex in the new products that the customers want. Introduction of strategy Roy (2009) cites that product differentiation strategy is used by Coca-Cola Company in enabling the new products or changing the convenience of the customer in using their products. In this regard, the company has used mass customization through offer of customer tailored products by the use of the same production resources through mass production which meet the varied specifications and needs of the customers. Cokes global divisions except the North American holding fall under Coca Cola International. The organizations international entities operate similar to the other eighties structure except in instances of key strategic decision where the international divisions are responsible for making their own independent decisions. The organization employs three management styles which are laissez-faire, autocratic and democratic management concept to oversee these international divisions and this implies that the corporate executives provide little guidance on how regional branches are managed unless the decision may affect its goals worldwide (Hill Jones, 2010). Cokes North London branch has entrenched the culture of laissez-faire implying that the management have given a free will on employees decision meaning that workers work independently as long as they meet Key Business Indicators (KBIs). The directors assume a relaxed role when coordinating the organizations internal operation and the executive hold a vision to refresh all the workers and to have passion for job responsibilities. The organization also has a corporate advisory council in place comprising of representatives group of employees from all levels and business divisions of the company. The council nurtures recommendations for senior management on advancing the organizations efforts towards attaining its diversity objectives. In North America the company often holds employees forum where the workers mingle with colleagues with similar interests and backgrounds and it is through these forums that employees support each others personal and professional growth for the sake of improving on each others personal and career growth with the sole focus on giving meaningful contribution to the company. The company has a general manager who sits at the top of the regional hierarchy and in turn reports to the country head. These general managers have other managerial subordinates and they act on certain cases depending with the situation at the micro level. Managerial style adopted by the executives follow incentive based system for actualizing peak performance from the salesperson, and through the concept, monetary and non-monetary incentives are issues to the salesperson to motivate them meet or exceed their sales expectations. Some of the monetary incentives may include pay hikes, bonuses and commissions while non-monetary incentives may include discounted holiday packages and vouchers for vacations. Strategies adopted to illustrate your suggestion Coca-Cola Company has also focused on the market niche as the best way of curbing the needs of the customers. This is implemented through finely tunes sales as well as marketing techniques. Through this model, the company has ensured a strengthened supplier and customer intimacy. The suppliers, for instance, have been allowed an opportunity to decide how and when they can be able to ship their products allowing them a more lead time in the production of the goods. Such strong linkages have been able to help the Coca-Cola Company in increasing their switching costs as well as remaining royal to the company. Implementation of the recommendation model against organisation problem The market oriented strategic planning model can be used by Coca-Cola Company in shaping the business products in order to help in yielding the profits and the growths (Michaux, Cadiat and Probert 2015). In line with this model, Coca-Cola Company has been able to assess each of the varied business activity through factoring in the rate of the markets growth, companys position as well as its fit in the market. The company has also been able to use this model in developing a strategy to achieve in the long run objectives, setting strategic plans and managing the investment portfolio (Mu?ller 2011). Coca-Cola Company in this model use has been enhanced in the tactical marketing plan including the advertising, merchandising, pricing, product variants and distribution channels. Conclusion From the foregoing discussion, Coca-Cola Company has a good understanding of the needs of the customers and this makes it easier for the top leadership in making decisions and solving the emerging problems. As such, the company has a good ability in marketing effectively because the research department helps in conveying the messages with clarity on their products, their use and marketing strategies. References Fernando, A.C 2009, Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective. Prentice Hall. Cross, F. B., Miller, R. L. R., Cross, F. B 2009, The legal environment of business: Text and cases : ethical, regulatory, global, and e-commerce issues. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Tuleja, E. A 2008, Intercultural communication for business. Mason, OH. USA: South-Western Cengage Learning. In Idowu, S. O 2009, Professionals Perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility. Sander, P. J., Bobo, S 2011, The 100 best stocks you can buy 2012. Avon, MA: Adams Media. Sander, P., Bobo, S 2015, The 100 best stocks to buy in 2015. Anderson, R., Billings-Harris, L 2010. Trailblazers: How top business leaders are accelerating results through inclusion and diversity. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Miller, R. L. R., Jentz, G. A 2008, Business law today: The essentials : text summarized cases--e-commerce, legal, ethical, and international environment. Australia: Thomson/South-Western West. Miller, R. L. R., Cross, F. B 2013, The legal environment today: Business in its ethical, regulatory, e-commerce, and global setting. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Amerland, D 2013, Google semantic search: Search engine optimization (SEO) techniques that get your company more traffic, increase brand impact and amplify your online presence. Clarkson, K. W 2008, 2008 summer entrepreneurship institute: Mgmt 180 course materials : professor Gonzalo Freixes. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning. Isdell, E. N., Beasley, D, 2012, Inside Coca-Cola: A CEO's life story of building the world's most popular brand. Fernando, A. C 2010, Business ethics and corporate governance. Delhi: Dorling Kindersley (India), licensees of Pearson Education in South Asia. Miller, R. L. R., Cross, F. B., Jentz, G. A 2013, Business law: Alternate edition : text and summarized cases : legal, ethical, global, and e-commerce environment. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Hill, C. W. L., Jones, G. R 2010, Strategic management theory: An integrated approach. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. Roy, D 2009, Strategic foresight and Porter's five forces: Towards a synthesis. Mu?nchen: GRIN. Uk beer industry analysis 2013, Place of publication not identified: Grin Verlag. Michaux, S., Cadiat, A.-C., Probert, C 2015, Porter's five forces: Stay ahead of the competition. Place of publication not identified: 50Minutes. Mu?ller, C 2011, Ryanair case study and strategic analysis: An analysis on the competitiveness and low-cost strategy of Europe's leading low-cost carrier Ryanair. Mu?nchen: GRIN Verlag GmbH.

Organization Behavior MeatPack Case Study

Questions: 1.Should Bison be taking a more hands-off or a more hands-on approach to the business? Justify your response.2.How far has the senior leadership change been effective? What else might senior leadership do to influence change more positively in the near future?3.How far has the senior leadership change been effective? What else might senior leadership do to influence change more positively in the near future? Answers: Introduction The following essay is a case study report on leadership, cultural and performance change issues at the company at MeatPack. This is a family owned food processing business with its headquarters in Sidney, Australia. The company has over 27 years experience in the meat production industry that include other areas like fresh soups and prepared meals. The company also owns processing plants in Queensland and New South Wales. For years, the company has been led by its founder and CEO Mr. Derek Bison who is the fourth generation from the family to work in the meat business. The company has for years performed well under his leadership with a record sales of AUD$300 million in 2013. One of the companys strategic goals is to become a 1 billion dollar company by the year 2020. This calls for the company to make some cultural and leadership and performance changes as discussed in the next pages. 1. According to Armson Whiteley (2010), it is very important for a leader to create a culture where it is clear to each employee that the most important thing is meeting are the organisations values. This will ensure that employees do not need to be followed in everything they do, and do not need to be reminded all the time of what they need to do and what they do not need to do. Armstrong (2012), adds that if an employee knows the foundation and the mission and vision for the company, they are able to realize what the company values and the kind of goals that are important for the company. In this regard, the employee will also know what to do in in any management situation. In this regard, it will take different types of management style to realize strategic goals for the company. According to Dowling, et al. (2013), a hands on manager is not recommended when it comes to meeting organisations strategic goals. This is because they are usually characterized by exercising a lot of co ntrol, criticism, judges and threatens employees all the time. This is the opposite of hands-off manager, who coaches and encourages employees to work with minimum supervision (Giannakis, et al., 2015; H.Zhao Seibert, 2006; Compton, et al., 2014). However, at MeatPack, Bison will need to assess how much his employees will need to be managed and directed. For example, some employees may be self-starters in need of little supervision. Such employees are well aligned with the goals of the organisations, the engage in their work and are self-motivated in their work stations(Heller Darling, 2012). There are however, employee who may not be able to think for they in complex situations, such employees will need to managed at all degree. Kenton Yarnall (2009), adds, that employees though may be in need to be managed, what they do not want is to be micromanaged. If employees have the kind of manager that is all over the place all the time, the feel intimidated as the manager will keep on providing large doses of critical feedback. In the end, they will not be able to work freely and be open to express ideas on how the company is able to meet its mission and vision (Mathis, et al., 2013). To implement proper cultural and performance changes, the company will need to consider having a new kind of management. According to Compton, et al. (2014), real power in organisations leadership comes from forming partnership and not criticizing. In this regard, the new leadership changes would be best using hands off approach. This kind of leader is able to motivate the spirit of employees toward organisations goals as the leader maintains hands off allowing the employee success to happen. For Bison, exercising hands off will mean being able to manage his team without having to bypass the line of authority. He should not be seen to interfere in the daily running of the business during times of strategic change(Keasey, et al., 2005). As this is done, change will be realized gradually as the business continues to maintain its course. Productivity in the organisations will also be constant and both the managerial and the customer service level as would be expected in the strategic ch ange. Some of the area that he would need to exercise hands on approach would include direct reports which identify departments of employees who do not meet targets or complete assigned tasks. It is a great challenge for Bison as exercising hands off approach might be difficult for employees who develop slowly. This might happen since a hands-off manager may not be able to pitch their support or coaching at the right degree for these employees to ensure employees are able to develop the mandatory skills. During the change management strategy, it will be important for Bison to consider time bound actions, since the hands off approach might lead to slow processes from employees, even when they may achieve great results (Lincoln, et al., 2014; Mathis, et al., 2013; Adrian, 2009). This is because the hands off manager will remain at a distant and may not be actively involved with their change programs and which runs a risk of not meeting the full potential of the business. However, at the end of the day, the employee will be able to realize the goals and even become more creative to express own though regarding the program. In this regard, it would be recommended that Bison exercise both leadership styles depending on the situation(Keasey, et al., 2005). However, hands off style should be highly exercised as no employee loves to be followed around every time when they are working as it makes then more nervous and less creative in handling the business. 2. According to the case study, it is reported by Bison team members in senior leadership position as having gained many insights from the trainings and coaching provided and organized by Bison. Even after stopping the coaching exercises, the senior leadership employees have continued to work on their leadership strategies. With the introduction of Human Synergistic circumflex to the organisations, employees are able to rate their performance. Behaviors are also classified in three colors. Red stands for defensive or aggressive, green stands for defensive or passive and blue for constructive. In this regard, organisations culture in the company was realized as being red. At this Bison found that, most people in the organisations were ether aggressive or very defensive in the way they related with one another or the way they related with customers. In this regard, most of the change leadership campaign was to ensure that they changed to blue for his plans to be realized(Hoegle Muethe l, 2016). In this regard, there will be need for the change of organisations structure to much more horizontal organisations with the front line workers and senior leaders being responsible for performance of their fellow employees. According to Compton, et al. (2014), only 30% of employees in a company are always fully committed to their job at one point. It is also a common occurrence that most executives usually realize that one of the major challenges will be closing the gap between realized talent and potential and the energy of the employees under their leadership. With reference to Bisons company, it can be said that they have various departments and employees who are willing to perform to their best from top to below management(Kenton Yarnall, 2009). If he will be able to transform these employees and ensure that they become blue type of leaders then they company will be headed to the right direction in leadership development. As much as it is not the intention of any, employ to be de fensive or aggressive. The challenge is that most of them lack the clear understanding of the type of changes that would take to realize where they are good at when it comes to leadership(AustraliaLaw, 2010). Some of the employees may not have come to realize the kind of changes that was needed to bring out the best in each senior leader to achieve the impact. According to , leaders are also able to obtain the understanding through an approach known as Blue kind of leadership as the one implemented by Bison. Blue leadership would be good when it comes to creating new markets for MeatPack and converting people in to new customers. The concept is important in helping senior leaders in the organisations realize their talents and energy in their organisations and be able to save the cost of coaching. In this regard, leadership is thought as being a service that employees in the organisations will embrace or not. Each leader in the organisations must be able to work towards gaining new customers and bosses must be able to deliver performance. In addition, employees in the department should also be able to access support from their managers. According to Keasey, et al. (2005), when employees value the leadership practice, they will in turn buy that kind of leadership. In this regard, Bison will realize his employees acting with commitment instead of disengaging and becoming noncustomers of his leadership, as was the case before coaching(Armstrong, 2012). Once Bison began to think in this lines about leadership, he realized that his concepts and leadership coaching was developing among his senior employees, in this regard employees were able to work toward converting noncustomers in to customers thus increasing the market share for the organisations. The blue leadership was also important in converting disengaged employees to engaged ones. According to Armson Whiteley (2010), the blue leadership strategy have also enable employees understand the companys mission and vision and it does not only have to be about getting salary and keeping their job, but about driving their efforts towards the organisations strategic goals. Adrian (2009) adds that blue leadership style will also bring about change in the companys leadership strength. As is realized in the case study, the senior employees were able to adapt Bisons model which was different from the traditional leadership model and development approaches in different ways. It can be said that is for senior leadership, what they can do to influence change would be to focus on acts and activities in the organisations. According to different studies on leadership, the values, qualities and characters that make for good leaders include proper coaching. In this regard, changes in qualities, values and character will eventually translated in to high performance. This means that when the senior leaders look back in to Bisons coaching program, they should be able to act on the evidence of notable change. They need to put more dedication on ways they can transform organisations behavior. As much as it can be difficult to assess and measure if leaders in the organisations are internalizing and embracing the new kind of leadership, it can be done if they focus on what acts and actions they need to undertake to motivate other employees towards the strategic goal of the organisations. At the end of the day, they will be able to asses and measure the difference. According to Chernev (2011), it is usually easier to change people behavior and activities in the organisations. However, it is usually difficult to change their values, qualities and other traits. It thus calls for the senior managers to alter their values and qualities so that other employees in the organisations will be able to follow course through their guidance. 3. For MeatPack to become one of the market leaders, it had to have an innovation-friendly organisations structure. In this regard, they also needed to establish and inspire a proper organist ion culture through their structure. According to Giannakis, et al.(2015), flat structure in organisations enable them to meet many goals. The word flat is actually a misnomer since it does not necessarily mean that the organisations are flat but they are not tall. In this regard, employees do not shift responsibility to a higher level department in the management ladder, meaning that they are able to take charge of situation in their own level, it enables them make decisions and enjoy responsibility in the company. According to Mathis, et al. (2013), there are many leadership and management advantages of having a flat structure. For MeatPack one of the advantage is in the structure itself. As with most flat organisations, MeatPack does not have many layers of management. This is different from the tall structure which is common with many businesses. Flat structures also enjoy a short chain of command meaning that each level enjoys its own managerial control(Chernev, 2011). The span of control will also look at the number of senior managers who will directly report to Bison. At MeatPack, several senior managers for each department directly report to Bison. With regard to the reduced number of layers of management, MeatPack is able to get the most out of this structure. The other benefit for MeatPack in flatter structure is on communication. There is a great level of communication between the top management and other employees. This is because senior manager are more democratic and offer room for employees to be innovative. Communication is also faster in this company, it is more effective and reliable that in the tall structures. This is because any input by an employee will get more support from the decision makers since there is no chance for power struggle in the organisations(Hoegle Muethel, 2016). When it comes to decision making, it was realized that MeatPack come out as being more flexible and adaptive than would be the case in tall structures. The level of flexibility also depicts decision making as being one on a need basis. This makes it easier for the employees to serve the companys clients. When one looks at tall organisations, staff member are required to seek approval from the top management who will also need approval from the director and the director from the shareholder before a decision is made. This is not the case at MeatPack, since employees are given the power to makes some of the decisions independently. The reason is that the company has few layers of reporting in their organisations structure meaning that there is less bureaucracy. In this regard, decisions are made quicker giving the company mobility and agility(Armstrong, 2012). When it comes to organisations change performance, the flat structure at MeatPack is made of competent and qualified staff to do this. Employees are fully engaged, there are skilled working groups which leads to satisfaction among workers and lower employee turnover. If the employees are more responsible in operations, they will be able to lead the company towards strategic goals. In addition, the company is able to save cost on employee upper management which decreases employee expenses and increase companys profits to a huge margin(Armstrong, 2012). Lastly, the flat structure has worked well for MeatPack since there are very few variations about office structure and operations. For example, it will be a common thing for a customer to be given a discount in purchasing bulk unprocessed meat but denied one in the ready to eat meat since they are different departments. However, the end strategic development will move to the same organisations. References Adrian, H., 2009. Corporate truth: the limits to transparency. Sterling: VA: Earthscan.. Armson, G. Whiteley, A., 2010. Employees' and managers' accounts of interactive workplace learning: A grounded theory of complex integrative learning. Journal of Workplace Learning, 22(7), pp. 409-427. 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